Global Grant in Giordania
Targeting 500 Certified Medics Imagine how many lives can be saved, and being part of it. It is something great.
Continuiamo con la pubblicazione delle richieste di partecipazione alle sovvenzioni globali giunte al nostro Distretto da parte di Distretti Rotary di altri Paesi.
Rendiamo nota una proposta di collaborazioni sul progetto da realizzare in Giordania, inviata al Governatore distrettuale Stefano Campanella. Il testo è in inglese. Per l’avvio di ogni collaborazione è necessario prendere contatto in via preliminare con la Commissione Distrettuale della Rotary Foundation, con il Presidente Cesare Benedetti e inviare la disponibilità alla collaborazione anche alla Segreteria del Distretto 2060.
In allegato il PDF del Progetto
Questa la Mail Inviata:
Dear District Governor Stefano Campanella
Greetings from Jordan,
My Name is Farid Musharbash, a member of Amman Citadel Rotary Club 84761 in District 2452. On a Club level; I am now serving as the head of Vocational Service Subcommittee, and I was a Past President in 2015/2016. On a district level, I am now an Assistant Governor for three clubs and on a country level, I was the Country Secretary for Jordan and Palestine 2016/2017. Yet, allow me to address you as Amman Citadel Head of Vocational Service Subcommittee.
We have just started filing a Grant application that we believe to be a prosperous project for creating more leaders (Medical and Community leaders). “A medic in every house”, is an initiative for training 500 Certified medics who can be of support when needed, but more important being extremely responsive when the situations calls for it. It is not just the medical help that Medics provide, but the confidence they exhibit and the leadership skills they will develop.
We are looking for:
- Premium International partners to support our Grant with a minimum amount of 10,000 USD.
- Golden International partners to support our Grant with a minimum amount of 5,000 USD.
- Silver International Partners to support our Grant with as much as they can afford.
Please have a look at our project summary, and let us know if you need any further information.
If your District is qualified for Global Grants, kindly circulate to clubs who are also qualified for Global Grants and can financially and technically support our Project.Looking forward to getting your support and pledges.
Yours in Rotary
- Farid. Musharbash Assistant Governor 2017-2018 Jordan & Palestine Honorary Secretary 2016-2017
Third Club President 2015-2016
Club of Amman Citadel District 2452